// PortfolioSelected Projects

A select group of projects I've created, from personal websites to data visualizations and single page web applications.

The Covid-19 Report

Gatsby.jsChart.jsTailwind CSSCOVID-19 API

A graphical report on coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, with ability to filter by country or by US state. Graphs and charts are used to visualize confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries based on the chosen country/state.

Save The Date!

Gatsby.jsStyled ComponentsGraphQL

Official wedding website created for my future wife-to-be and myself. A single page application designed to my own creative taste, using Gatsby.js and styled components.


Gatsby.jsStyled ComponentsGraphQL

The very site you are currently looking at. A component-based SPA showcasing my projects, qualifications, and expertise as a software developer.



My personal blog. A simplistic look at what goes on in my mind; my personal slice of the internet. Made with a basic Gatsbyjs starter theme and tweaked to my liking.

Did FSU Win?

React.jsTailwind CSSCollege Football API

A web app visualizing stats and data of the FSU football team. View a countdown to the Noles' next game, recent game updates, as well as schedule and roster information by year. Observe box scores, game stats, and play-by-play information for each game.

NPM Clone


Back to the basics. An exact clone of the NPM.js landing page made purely in HTML/CSS. A comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals has always been pertinent to my success as a developer.